SCS 2025 Services
The SCS is committed to providing statistical support to the UConn community and beyond, with all consulting meetings held remotely via WebEx. To ask a question, or request an appointment with an SCS consultant, please submit an online question.
What We Offer
The SCS can provide help at any stage of research:Modes of Assistance
Free Online allows users to submit question and documents online. Questions are usually addressed within 24 hours but may take up to 3 business days if an area expert is needed. Use the submission tool to get assistance. Please Note: this assistance is not intended for homework and is more geared to data analysis rather than specific statistical software usage.Collaboration
Clients may be referred to the SCS from a regularly scheduled consulting appointment. The SCS accepts projects from clients or researchers. To obtain statistical consulting from the SCS, please complete the online application form. Non-UConn clients should contact the SCS director for assistance with project engagements.Who We Help
Hourly Rates
Our internal fees for FY24 are $75 per graduate assistant hour and $120 per hour for the director. Clients, including external clients, should contact Timothy E. Moore (timothy.e.moore@uconn.edu) for more fee information.
Finding the SCS
The SCS is located in the Nathan L. Whetten Building on UConn's Storrs campus.Diversity Statement
The SCS is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for the UConn community. We celebrate and honor the uniqueness and diversity of all individuals. We strive to promote social justice and inclusivity throughout UConn and the broader community through our training, workshops, and consulting services.